Kandalaksha Nature Reserve Mikhail N. Kozhin
Name: Mikhail N. Kozhin Birth: 12 January 1988 Place of birth: Umba, Murmansk Region, Russia Sex: Male Present Addresses: - office: 1) Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991; 2) Kandalaksha Reserve, Murmansk Region, Kandalaksha, Lineynaya str. 35, 184042; 3) Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute KSC RAS, Murmansk Region, Kirovsk, 184256; 4) FRECOM LTD, Malaya Pirogovskaya str. 1, 18, Moscow, 119435. - home: Dzerzhinskogo Str., 47; Umba, Murmansk Region, 184703, Russia Phone number: +79268154607 E-mail: mnk_umba@mail.ru
Education: 2009 Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, biogeography department, Bachelor degree 2011 Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, biogeography department, Master degree 20112014 PhD student (Biology) Dissertation: Classification and analysis of islands floras of the Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea) Mar. 2015 Ph.D. ("Candidate of Biological Sciences", Ph.D. equivalent) in Botany, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). Subject: Floristic diversity and patterns of islands flora formation of the Kandalaksha Bay (Porya Guba bay: a case study).
Professional Experience 2015~ assistant professor, Department of Geobotany, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119234, Russia; 2015~ senior scientific researcher, Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Murmansk Region, Kandalaksha, Lineynaya str. 35, 184042, Russia; 20142015: senior scientific researcher, Department of Geobotany, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119234, Russia; 2013~ scientific researcher, The Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Murmansk region, Kirovsk, 184256, Russia; 2010~ plant ecologist, FRECOM LTD, Malaya Pirogovskaya str. 1, 18, Moscow, 119435, Russia; 20092014: assistant scientist, Herbarium (MW), Faculty of Biology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia; 20082015: scientist, Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Murmansk Region, Kandalaksha, Lineynaya str. 35, 184042, Russia; 20072011: assistant scientist, Herbarium (MWG), Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia.
Scientific interests Flora of Fennoscandia (vascular plants and mosses), Flora of the Russian Caucasus (vascular plants) and Russian Far East (mosses), Systematics and evolution of higher plants, Island biogeography and phytogeography.
Scientific Societies Russian Geographical Society Russian Botanical Society Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
Recent projects since 2016: Island floras of the White Sea: diversity and the formation history (Russian Foundation for Basic Research); since 2016: Moss "Flora of Russia": Herbarium database (Main Botanical Garden); since 2015: In the footsteps of the Great Kola Expedition: south-eastern coast of the Kola Peninsula (Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica); since 2015: Cryptogamic Russian Information System (Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, Kirovsk; Russian Foundation for Basic Research); since 2014: Microevolution of saxicolous mosses in connection with combined climatic and geochemical gradient (Russian Foundation for Basic Research); since 2011: Moss flora of Kamchatka; since 2011: The Red Data Book of Murmansk Region; since 2011: Patterns of forming island biota in European Subarctic (Moscow State University; Russian Foundation for Basic Research); since 2008: Check-list of vascular plants and mosses of Kandalaksha Nature Reserve (Murmansk Region); since 2007: Flora of Karsnodarskij Territory (vascular plants); since 2005: Chronicle of Nature of Kandalaksha Nature Reserve (Murmansk Region);
Other current activities: since 2011: Member of management board, Student natural zone field practice (Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University). Chairman of the student field practice (2016).
Field work (recent activities at last five years) Murmansk Region, Russia (every year) Krasnodar Territory, Russia (every year) Moscow Region, Russia (2015) Crimea (2014) Kamchatka Territory, Russia (2013, 2015) Tula Region, Russia (2013) Rostov Region, Russia (2012) Amur Region, Russia (2016)
Number of publications (20112015): 118 (abstracts excluded).
Main publications in the last five years: Books Leontjeva, O. A., Suslova, E. G. & Kozhin, M. N. (eds.) 2015: Summer field biogeographical practice on the West Caucasus: textbook. MSU Publishing, Moscow. 227 p. (In Russian) Alejnikov, A. A., Alejnikova, A. M., Bocharnikov, M. V., Glazov, P. M., Golovlev, P. P., Gruza, G. V., Dobrolyubova, K. O., Evina, A. I., Zhbanova, P. I., Zamolodchikov, D. G., Zenin, E. A., Kalashnikova, Yu. A., Kozhin, M. N., Kokorin, A. O., Krylenko, I. V., Krylenko, I. N., Kushcheva, Yu. V., Lipka, O. N., Miklyaev, I. A., Miklyaeva, I. M., Nikiforov, V. V., Pavlova, A. D., Postnova, A. I., Puhova, M. A., Ran'kova, E. Ya., Stishov, M. S., Sutkajtis, O. K., Uvarov, S. A. & Fomin, S. Yu. 2014: Vaygach Island: nature, climate and people. World Wide Foundation (WWF), Moscow. 542 π. (In Russian) Papers Kozhin, M.N., Sennikov, A.N. 2016: The Russian larch (Larix archangelica, Pinaceae) on the Kola Peninsula. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 92: 79-91. Koznin, M.N., Belkina, O.A., Likhachev, A.Y., Ignatova, E.A. 2016: Moss flora of the Ainov Islands, Barents Sea. Arctoa. A journal of bryology 25 (2): 408419. Dudov, S.V., Fedosov, V.E., Kozhin, M.N. 2016: New moss records from Amur Province 3. Arctoa. A journal of bryology 25(2): 419. Fedosov, V.E., Kozhin, M.N., Popov, S.Y. 2016: New moss records from Kamchatsky Territory 9. Arctoa. A journal of bryology 25(2): 420-421. Kozhin M.N. 2016: Flora and vegetation of lake Serkinskoye on the Turij Peninsula (Murmansk Region). Transactions of the Karelian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science 3: 7284. (In Russian with English summary) Kozhin M.N. 2016: Vascular plants of Medvezhiy Island in Porya Gyba bay of the White Sea. Transactions of the Karelian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science 3: 3851. (In Russian with English summary) Kozhin, M.N., Borovichev, E.A., Kostina, V.A., Petrovsky, M.N., Sennikov, A.N. 2016: New and rare vasρular plants for Murmansk Province. Second report. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biology Division 121(6): 6468. (In Russian) Kravchenko, A.V., Kozhin, M.N., Borovichev, E.A., Kostina, V.A. 2016: New data on the distribution of red-listed vascular plant species in the Murmansk Region. Transactions of the Karelian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science 3: 84-89. (In Russian with English summary) Ellis, L. T., Asthana, A. K., Srivastava, P., Omar, I., Rawat, K. K., Sahu, V., Cano, M. J., Costa, D. P., Dias, E. M., Dias dos, Santos N., Silva, J. B., Fedosov, V. E., Kozhin, M. N., Ignatova, E. A., Germano, S. R., Golovina, E. O., Gremmen, N. J. M., Ion, R., Ştefǎnuţ, S., von_Konrat, M., Jimenez, M. S., Suárez, G. M., Kiebacher, T., Lebouvier, M., Long, D. G., Maity, D., Ochyra, R., Parnikoza, I., Plášek, V., Fialová, L., Skoupá, Z., Poponessi, S., Aleffi, M., Sabovljević, M. S., Sabovljević, A. D., Saha, P., Aziz, M. N., Sawicki, J., Suleiman, M., B-Y, Sun, Váňa, J., Wójcik, T., Y-J, Yoon, Żarnowiec, J., Larraín, J. 2016: New national and regional bryophyte records, 46 Journal of Bryology 38(1): 47-63. Kozhin, M. N. 2015: Rare species of vascular plants and plant communities in the rich fen between Kandalaksha and Kolvitsa (Murmansk region). Transactions of the Karelian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science 4: 4864. (In Russian with English summary) Kozhin, M. N., Ershova, E. G., Smyshlyaeva, O. I. & Popova, K. B. 2015: Modern pollen spectra of the White Sea islands (case study of the Poriya Guba bay). Annals of Moscow University. Series 5. Geography 3:5869. (In Russian with English summary) Sofronova, E. V., Abdurachmanova, Z. I., Afonina, O. M., Akatova, T. V., Andrejeva, E. N., Bakalin, V. A., Bezgodov, A. G., Borovichev, E. A., Czernyadjeva, I. V., Doroshina, G. Ya, Dulin, M. V., Fedosov, V. E., Golovina, E. O., Ignatov, M. S., Ignatova, E. A., Kotkova, V. M., Kuˇcera, J., Kurbatova, L. E., Kushnevskaya, E. G., Leushina, E. G., Makarova, M. A., Maksimova, A. Yu, Nikolajev, I. A., Philippov, D. A., Popova, N. N., Potemkin, A. D., Prelovskaya, E. S., Teleganova, V. V., Vilnet, A. A., Volkova, E. M. & Zolotukhin, N. I. 2015: New bryophyte records. 5. Arctoa. A journal of bryology 24 (2): 584609. Kozhin, M. N. 2015: Annotated check-list of the vascular plants flora of Porja Guba Archipelago, 20082013. The Chronicle of Nature by the Kandalaksha Reserve for 2014 (Annual report) 60(1): 33124. Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Kandalaksha. (In Russian with English summary) Kozhin, M. N. 2015: Distribution of the main species of grasses on the Porya Guba islands. The Chronicle of Nature by the Kandalaksha Reserve for 2014 (Annual report) 60(1): 125132. Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Kandalaksha. (In Russian with English summary) Demina, O. N., Rogal, L. L., Suslova, E. G., Kozhin, M. N., Dmitriev, P. A., Seregin, A. P. & Bykhalova, O.N. 2015: Annotated check-list of flora of State Nature Reserve Utrish. Living and nonliving systems 13: 186. (In Russian) Glazunova, K. P. & Kozhin, M. N. 2014: New and rare species of Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) for Murmansk Province. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biology Division 119 (6): 5859. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. 2014: New and rare vasρular plants of Murmansk Province. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biology Division 119 (1): 6771. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. 2014: Botrychium lanceolatum (S. G. Gmel.) Angstr., Botrychium multifdum (S. G. Gmel.) Rupr., Potamogeton fliformis Pers, Zannichellia repens Boenn, Alisma juzepczukii Tzvel., Phippsia algida (Soland.) R.Br., Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla, Carex appropinquata L., Carex atherodes Spreng., Carex elongata L., Carex echinata Murr., Carex glacialis Mackenz, Carex heleonastes Ehrh., Carex holostoma Drej., Carex hostiana DC., Carex lapponica O. Lang, Carex laxa Wahlenb., Carex maritima Gunn., Carex omskiana Meinsh., Carex paleacea Wahlenb., Carex recta Boott., Carex rhynchophysa C. A. Mey, Carex tenuifora Wahlenb., Eriophorum gracile Koch, Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori., Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl, Schoenus ferrugineus L., Scirpus tabernaemontani C. C. Gmel., Calla palustris L., Luzula nivalis (Laest.) Spreng., Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl., Convallaria majalis L., Listera ovata (L.) R. Br., Salix aurita L., Salix gmelinii Pall. [=S. dasyclados Wimm.], Polygonum norvegicum (Sam.) Lid, Spergularia salina J. et C. Presl, Atriplex kuzenevae N.Semenova, Nymphaea candida J. Presl, Nymphaea tetragona Georgi, Draba insularis Pissjauk., Eutrema edwardsii R. Br., Potentilla arctica Rouy, Astragalus norvegicus Grauer, Hedysarum alpinum L., Hedysarum arcticum B. Fedtsch., Elatine hydropiper L., Lythrum salicaria L., Angelica litoralis Fries, Thyselium palustre (L.) Rafn. [=Peucedanum palustre (L.) Moench.], Artemisia borealis Pall. In: Konstantinova, N. A., Koryakin, A. S., Makarova, O. A. & Bianki, V. V. (eds.), Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, ed. 2: 330332, 336, 339341, 347371, 381, 386387, 391-392, 399402, 415416, 419, 432433, 436438, 440441, 444, 448449, 469470. Asia-Print, Kemerovo. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. & Bobrov, A. A. 2014: Potamogeton friesii Rupr, Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert. et Koch, Potamogeton pectinatus L. In: Konstantinova, N. A., Koryakin, A. S., Makarova, O. A. & Bianki, V. V. (eds.), Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, ed. 2: 337339. Asia-Print, Kemerovo. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. & Kostina, V. A. 2014: Ophyoglossum vulgatum L. In: Konstantinova, N. A., Koryakin, A. S., Makarova, O. A. & Bianki, V. V. (eds.), Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, ed. 2: 332333. Asia-Print, Kemerovo. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. & Sennikov, A. N. 2014: Hieracium albocostatum (Norrl.) Üksip, Hieracium furvescens (Dahlst.) Dahlst., Pilosella arctogena (Norrl.) Schljak., Pilosella erratica (Norrl.) Schljak. In: Konstantinova, N.A., Koryakin, A.S., Makarova, O.A. & Bianki, V.V. (eds.), Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, ed. 2: 471472, 474475. Asia-Print, Kemerovo. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N. & Vorobjeva, E. G. 2014: Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes, Cypripedium calceolus L., Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Saut.) Sóo, Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz, Epipogium aphyllum Sw. In: Konstantinova, N. A., Koryakin, A. S., Makarova, O. A. & Bianki, V. V. (eds.), Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region, ed. 2: 371372, 373374, 376378. Asia-Print, Kemerovo. (In Russian) Kozhin, M. N., Kostina, V. A., Borovichev, E. A., Koryakin, A. S., Berlina, N. G. & Demakhina, T. V. 2014: New records of adventive species of rare vasρular plants in the Murmansk Province. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biology Division 119(6): 5758. (In Russian) Sofronova, E. V., Abakarova, A. S., Afonina, O. M., Borovichev, E. A., Boychuk, M. A., Czernyadjeva, I. V., Doroshina, G. Ya,, Dulin, M. V., Dyachenko, A. P., Fedosov, V. E., Ignatov, M. S., Ignatova, E. A., Ivanova, E. I., Ivchenko, T. G., Kokoshnikova, Yu, S., Kozhin, M. N., Kuzmina, E. Yu,, Maksimov, A. I., Maksimova, T. A., Mamontov, Yu, S., Moshkovskij, S. A., Notov, A. A., Philippov, D. A., Potemkin, A. D., Preobrazhenskaja, E. S., Taran, G. S., Teplov, K. Yu,, Teleganova, V. V., Terenteva, E. V., Tubanova, D. Ya. & Zheleznova, G. V. 2012: New bryophyte records. 1 Arctoa. A journal of bryology 21: 275300. Kozhin, M.N. 2012: The annotated list of mosses of Porya Guba bay (White Sea): draft version 2008-2011. The Chronicle of Nature by the Kandalaksha Reserve for 2014 (Annual report) 57(1): 966. Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Kandalaksha. (In Russian with English summary)
Languages English
Skills ArcGIS, Mapinfo, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Past, Bio Diversity Pro, Graphs, EndNote, Juce, TurboVeg. Driver's license: category B. Boat license.